Rayons de radar
Icone sensibilisation aux cybermenaces

Cyber threat awareness


Don't leave the fate of your business to chance

Our teams offer you awareness and training sessions on cyber threats, so that you and your employees are better aware of the risks your business faces and the best practices to implement.

An ever-increasing threat

The number of Swiss companies affected by a cyberattack that caused damage increased by 44% between 2020 and 2021. One of the main reasons for this increase is the widespread use of teleworking. However, few companies are taking measures to prevent this ever-increasing risk.

Attacks can occur in a wide variety of ways: internal fraud, phishing and social engineering, or computer viruses. But all can have serious consequences: financial damage, employee safety, loss of data or damage to reputation.
Fond dégradé

Cyber threat awareness seminar

We organize in your company an awareness-training seminar on cyber threats for your colleagues and employees. In a concrete and practical way, we address the risks incurred by your company, the types of attacks that can target you, the methods used by attackers so that you can better detect them, the internal flaws that facilitate hacking, and finally the solutions to these flaws.
Contact us to protect yourself